Monday, August 8, 2011

Hospital Stay

We were at the hospital for 4 days, so Julia could recover from the operation (she was bed ridden for 2 days before she could physically get out of bed).  Jason was a HUGE help - taking care of little Maddy and changing all her diapers!  Although he was exhausted and had to sleep on a very uncomfortable pull out bed, his smile got bigger and bigger with every moment he got to spend with Maddy.  We knew she would melt his heart and transform him into a softie.... :)

All the nurses and doctors commented on how beautiful our little girl was.... I wonder who she takes after and looks like most?  Mommy thinks it's her... we'll see!

While at the hospital, we had a ton of visitors!  Maddy met both sets of grandparents (who were waiting anxiously for her arrival), plus her aunt and uncle - Sandra and Chris (Chris was a little scared)!  We also got a visit from Gina and Nicole - we're all super excited to see her baby!!

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